Facebook announced on Tuesday that it was starting a “small alpha test” as part of a plan to introduce Facebook Exchange (FBX)-targeted ads into users’ News Feeds.
FBX made its debut last autumn, presenting companies with a tool to deliver ads based on people’s browsing interests. According to Facebook, there is no web place as engaging as News Feed and the social network believes that allowing targeted ads in that space will play to the advantage of both advertisers and Facebook users. Since News Feed is the corner where people spend most of their Facebook time, it is important for advertisers to have access to it. At the same time, Facebook users will benefit by getting more relevant ads.
Up to now, the right-hand side of desktop Facebook pages was available to advertisers to place standard ads. As of this week, they will be able to insert page post link ads on the right-hand side and in News Feeds. For the time being, the change will only apply to the desktop News Feed. The Telegraph cited Facebook spokeswoman Elisabeth Diana as saying that desktop was more closely aligned with what FBX had managed to accomplish in the right-hand side. Moreover, Facebook believes that desktop is better when it comes to driving conversions from direct-response ads, Diana said.
Facebook added that its closed alpha test involved a few select demand side platforms (DSPs), among them being TellApart, MediaMath, and Nanigans. In the weeks ahead, the company will broaden the scope to include more DSPs and advertisers.